Zentient series complete (PDF format)
Marcel's Booktique
This bundle contains...
A digital collection meticulously crafted and handpicked to offer sensible, all-round access to nondual awareness. This pack contains the following books in PDF format by Marcel Eschauzier:
- Existential Rationalism: Handling Hume's Fork—a 211-page philosophical treatise
- Without Opposite: A Philosophical Adventure— a 112-page philosophical novella
- Oneless Oneness: An Existential Remedy—an 84-page philosophical manifesto & guide
- Awakening the Other Way: Nonduality and Existential Reason—a 147-page philosophical guide
- How to See Consciousness: Rational Philosophy of Mind—a 46-page philosophical essay
- Sanity: Humanism Is a Dualism—a 128-page philosophical discourse
Discover Marcel's story and nondual philosophy on simplynondual.com. You can explore his books, bio and so much more!
6 enlightening nondual philosophy books in PDF format
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